
Unna participates in the Dragon’s Nest!

Unna appears in the season finale (episode 6) of Draknästet on SVT. Watch it at 20.00 on October 13th on SVT 1 or on SVT Play.

We at Unna are both happy and excited about our participation in SVT’s Draknästet. The program was recorded in April this year and since then we have had to keep it secret, but now we can proudly tell you about our (actually) first pitch about our business idea and company.

The program and approach, we have to be honest – is incredibly bare and simple somehow. What is shown on TV is pretty much the opposite of what happens in the studio. In our case, we received an invitation to participate a few days before filming and arrived at the TV house in Gärdet at the appointed time. It was very important that none of the ‘dragons’ would see or meet us before our slot. The five potential investors do not have any information about the entrepreneurs or companies presenting before meeting for the pitch.

Shortly after entering the TV house, we were informed that “UNNA IS FIRST OUT” in our group of companies to present. What little props we had with us were quickly arranged and we were asked some quick questions on camera by the production manager as we were shown into the studio. Once inside, we were told where to stand when we presented, and Linnea was given a chair to sit on if her pregnant body needed it. She refused (haha!). Then everything went so fast – we didn’t even have time to rehearse our pitch once before we started. The only thing we had time for was to get some lip gloss in the makeup!

Once it is recorded, you have two minutes to present your company, team, and the potential that could interest the dragons, as well as how much capital you are looking for and how much of the company you would consider giving up. The pitch is followed by a 45-minute Q&A session, after which investors must make a decision and either offer an investment or decline.

We had a great feeling when we presented Unna, and got great feedback from the ‘dragons’. We were also pleasantly surprised at how quickly they seemed to grasp our product, category, and brand strategy. It was really noticeable what professionals they are at quickly getting to know companies, mapping risks and opportunities and evaluating potential and company value. See how we did in SVT Play!

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