A thoughtful and articulate account of being a new mother.

Hanna and Linnea (Hanapee and Nea) run the popular podcast Surret. They are both parents of young children and during Nea’s second pregnancy they made a pregnancy special, where they talk about pregnancy, childbirth and the first days of motherhood. About 60 minutes into episode #62, Nea, who has been unable to breastfeed, shares her thoughts on the subject. Nice and thought-provoking!

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WHO rekommenderar uteslutande amning under de första 6 mÄnaderna. UNNA stödjer detta till fullo liksom fortsatt amning tillsammans med introduktion av en varierad kost enligt rÄd frÄn barnhÀlsovÄrden.

The WHO Code

The WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months. UNNA fully supports this as well as continued breastfeeding along with the introduction of a varied diet as advised by child health services.