A Safe Start

In addition to offering Swedish-made organic infant formula & supplementary nutrition, we as parents, through our business, want to contribute to creating better conditions for a safe start for everyone. We believe that a safe start for babies and their parents begins with a safe and secure delivery.

Safe deliveries

Giving birth is an incredible reminder of how fragile life is. What a mother-to-be goes through during childbirth is almost unfathomable to understand that women around the world go through in all kinds of circumstances. In most cases in circumstances that are far from being as safe and secure as they usually are in Sweden. In fact, in many parts of the world, women give birth with legitimate concerns and fears for their own and/or their baby’s life. Maternity care may not be within reach, and if it is, it is substandard.

As parents and founders of Unna, we have decided to do what we can to improve the situation and fight for better access and quality of maternity care in developing countries. We want to do what we can to give more people a safe start.

In support of Doctors Without Borders

With the Safe Start initiative, we want to create a common cause to support: the right to a safe birth. Through Unna, we will actively work to raise the issue of the right to a safe and secure birth, and more directly, part of our sales revenue will go to MSF’s important work for safe and secure births.

MSF works across the globe, promoting a safe start for children and parents through various activities. In some places, providing information on the importance of giving birth in a health facility can be an important part of improving the prospects of the baby and mother surviving the birth. The next step could be the provision of vehicles so that pregnant women can get to where care is available when they go into labour. Furthermore, the work on malaria treatment for pregnant women is important because it is so risky for the fetus.

MSF is behind several women’s health facilities around the world, where pregnancy, childbirth and postnatal care are the main functions. Psychological support, breastfeeding assistance and help with feeding are also important parts of these hospitals.

Do you want to get involved?

Do you want to get involved in making maternity care accessible to more people, and working to improve existing care? Or are you committed to the issue and willing to cooperate? Do you have suggestions or ideas? We believe in joining forces – so feel free to contact us!

If you want to do a simple but good deed for the cause now, you can contribute to our fundraising efforts for MĂ©decins Sans FrontiĂšres here.


WHO rekommenderar uteslutande amning under de första 6 mÄnaderna. UNNA stödjer detta till fullo liksom fortsatt amning tillsammans med introduktion av en varierad kost enligt rÄd frÄn barnhÀlsovÄrden.

The WHO Code

The WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months. UNNA fully supports this as well as continued breastfeeding along with the introduction of a varied diet as advised by child health services.